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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

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An Update On My Knee Which is Now “Healed”

As many of you might remember, I had a knee injury during the last couple years. I can say that it’s finally healed! It may never be perfect, but that doesn’t mean I can’t resume my normal activity, which I’ve already been doing for months.

I had chronic swelling on and off for a year. I had to wear a wrap on my knee to control the swelling. No matter what I did, if I took the wrap off my knee, it would swell. I wasn’t in pain... the only pain I really had was the day that started it all, when I had to go by ambulance to the ER a few years ago because of excruciating pain in the knee. It was the same day that I had completed a 5K race.

Rich's knee is now on the meand!
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High Cholesterol Can Be Reversed Without Meds

If you have high cholesterol, you really have no other options than to go whole food plant based. It’s really the only way to healthfully bring your cholesterol under control.

Recently, I had routine lab work done for a physical. As expected, my cholesterol was awesome! My doctor said it was optimal. According to Dr. Greger, you want a total cholesterol under 150. Most conventional doctors think anything under 200 is OK but I trust Dr. Greger, Dr. Ornish, Dr. Esselstyn and others who advise people to achieve the optimal level.

Rich’s Lab Results
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10 Years Since My Life Changing Physical

In a few weeks, it will be exactly ten years since I had my first physical since before college. That one physical altered my life from that moment on.

Many of you know my story, but it seems appropriate to remind my readers of why this appointment was so critical. I was morbidly obese, weighing in at well over 350 pounds. i was not taking care of myself, having neuropathy in my feet, feeing exhausted, having headaches, etc. I knew the doctor would tell me I had health issues and I did not want to know. I was pushed into this physical because the state of Connecticut was requiring it for workers who wanted to have cheaper premiums. I decided to finally face my fears and do the physical.

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Eating Healthy Without Even Knowing It

Recently, I made some black bean brownies at work. This was from a recipe I got from the Physician’s Committee For Responsible Medicine website. I had heard Chuck Carroll, host of one of my favorite podcasts, Exam Room, brag how good these were and thought they would be perfect for work. I typically make some kind of holiday dessert for work each holiday season.

They were really easy to make. The only thing I substituted was the raspberry jam, as I only had a guava jelly available. The guava jelly was unsweetened. I quickly mixed the ingredients, baked them in the oven and had everything done and cleaned up within an hour. I don’t waste any time!

Black Bean Brownies
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Congratulations Eric Adams, New York City’s First Vegan Mayor

I first met Eric Adams about three years ago at a veg fest in New York. I listened to his story in amazement as he reversed his diabetes that almost left him blind. He got healthy the same way I did, with a plant based diet.

Our stories are very similar. Aside from reversing health conditions as we began our plant based journeys, I found out he went to Google to search for info on how to reverse his diabetes, just as I had done back in 2012 to reverse my hypertension. We didn’t choose medication to control our diseases, we sought a cure and found it in whole food plant based eating.

Eric Adams pictured with Richard Hubbard
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