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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

Your Story! Your Voice! Your Health!

My Nutrition Coaching Goals

.As most of you know, I plan to do some nutrition coaching, as I love helping people transition to a whole food plant based diet. I have seen family and friends reverse diseases with a dietary change. It would be awesome to watch others transition to a healthier lifestyle as well.I only plan to do this on a part time basis, as I’m definitely busy at my full time job and my workout routine. But Helping others overcome health issues is my way of giving back as I reversed my own issues (hypertension and pre-diabetes).

I signed up for Dr. Fuhrman’s Nutrition Coach Certificate program. When if ends in December, I plan to begin coaching. I live this lifestyle and I follow Dr. Fuhrman and other plant based doctors advice. Dr. Fuhrman's teaching have especially resonated with me. When I started my journey 11 years ago. I was morbidly obese, tipping the scales at 350+ pounds.

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10 Years Since My Life Changing Physical

In a few weeks, it will be exactly ten years since I had my first physical since before college. That one physical altered my life from that moment on.

Many of you know my story, but it seems appropriate to remind my readers of why this appointment was so critical. I was morbidly obese, weighing in at well over 350 pounds. i was not taking care of myself, having neuropathy in my feet, feeing exhausted, having headaches, etc. I knew the doctor would tell me I had health issues and I did not want to know. I was pushed into this physical because the state of Connecticut was requiring it for workers who wanted to have cheaper premiums. I decided to finally face my fears and do the physical.

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It’s Official, Today Marks 5 Years As A Vegan

I still remember my last meal, Chicken Marsala, at a small dinner party celebrating my friend’s birthday. My plan was to start Robert Cheeke’s workout journal, a 13 week workout challenge where you are completely vegan for 13 weeks, the next day. I had done week long challenges before and always thought about how great I felt. I thought 13 weeks would be the ultimate test. Little did I know I would never go back to animal products after that!

I was plant based since 2012, having first started my healthy lifestyle through the work of Dr. Fuhrman. His advice about GBOMBS foods (greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds) is still an important part of my diet. Over the years, I’ve picked up advice from Dr. McDougall, Dr. Gregor and countless others. I think all plant based doctors have something to offer.

Before and after picture, wearing the “No Meat No Problem” shirt at the bottom.
Richard Hubbard meets his mentor Robert Cheeke
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