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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

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Still Building Muscle, Abs Somewhat Better!

I met with my personal trainer on Monday. He measured my body fat with the 3 site skin fold caliper test. This was the best reading yet, close to 11 percent! My weight has been holding steady for a few months now, which is what I want. I weigh on average between 191 to 195 pounds... just trying to build muscle!

My trainer gave me a new workout that focuses on building bigger muscles for my legs, exercises that should target the lower abs and other exercises that will continue to build muscle for my arms, chest and back. The areas that have the most fat on my body are my abdominal area (obviously) and my back. My chest, arms and legs have the least amount of fat.

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I Accomplished My Goal... 200 Crunches Done Today!

I've been building up to 200 crunches. I was doing the Greater Waterbury YMCA ab challenge last month and the last day of the challenge stopped at 160 crunches. I thought to myself,, I'd like to do an even 200 of them. So I kept going, increasing 5 per day until I reached 200 today.

In addition, I'm doing their other ab challenge, a planking challenge. It's five different kinds of planks, increasing by 5 seconds each day. There's only 2 days left of this challenge. Today, I held the planks for 50 seconds each.

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Another Challenge Done... Another Challenge Begins...

I just completed the Greater Waterbury YMCA ab challenge, a 30 day challenge where you increase the number of crunches, leg raises and planks by increments of 5. The last day of the challenge meant I had to do 160 crunches, 64 leg raises and a 2 minute, 35 second plank! As you can imagine, it was not easy.

So was it worth it? Definitely! My abs feel a lot tighter, despite having a pouch of loose skin. I can see some muscle there, so I know my abs are strong. I never imagined being able to do this many crunches, but that's the purpose of these challenges, to accomplish goals and increase your fitness level.

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Muscle Update... Getting Stronger!

I'm back in my workout routine completely, after suffering from tendinitis last month. It really slowed progression as my body fat remained virtually the same as the previous time it was checked.

But after a few weeks of working out my arms again, I notice that I am getting stronger again. When I had the tendinitis, I avoided any kind of arm exercise, and I couldn't do any chest press, etc. I am happy I waited until I was completely healed before I returned to my normal workout routine.

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Getting Lean... Body Fat Tested Today!

Today, I went to appointment at the Southern Connecticut State University. They've been checking my body fat percentage with a 7 point caliper test and this was my two month update.

I know I've been working hard... 5 days a week, rarely skipping a workout. I am noticing that my arms, chest and legs are getting stronger and my abs look somewhat tighter than a few months ago. I was fairly confident the numbers would be down. And I was right!

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