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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

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Still Running, Although Concentrating On Strength

I blogged a few weeks ago how I was going to focus on strength training as I want to build more muscle. That is still the goal but I do have a few smaller races coming up. At the end of this month, I will do a 5K, which should be easy for me. Next month, there's a 10K race in my hometown. I'm doing these races more for fun and to make sure I still get some running in.

My workout routine has been concentrating on lifting more weights. I'm still doing 5 days a week, but not as much cardio as I had been doing. I still do cardio each day, but less time. I know the more cardio I do, the more weight I'll lose and the less muscle I will build.

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Always Thinking About Goals!

I am always thinking about goals. Yes, the abdominoplasty was a big goal but I have so many things I want to work on in the new year. I'm just glad I don't have to concentrate on my loose skin wondering if it will ever tighten!

As I mentioned on Dr. Mondo's show last week, I would like to do a half or full marathon. I do love running but it seems like it's always an after thought as I have other goals in the way. But I think the half marathon is achievable as I'll have time to train for that.

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Strength Training After My Tummy Tuck... Feel Like A Beginner!

It's been a few weeks since I updated about my abdominoplasty. It is now 6 weeks post op and I am feeling great! I feel back to normal and back to working out. However, it feels as if I'm a beginner, despite making significant gains for months.

I know I will rebuild the muscle, but I feel like I lost so much by not working out. I have the sagginess in my arms again so I need to build up. My goal is to get back to where I was pre-surgery by January.

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Recovering From An Abdominoplasty... Taking It One Day At A Time!

I have to admit, I was expecting it to be more painful after having an abdominoplasty. I mean, after all, the incision goes from hip to hip and skin is removed from above the navel to the groin. But honestly, the biggest discomfort so far has been lower back pain from having to walk hunched over.

After an abdominoplasty, patients are required to walk like old men, all hunched over for like a week. This has been tough for me as I constantly like to walk with a straight back. This annoyance will be worth t in the long run though.

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Clean Eating and What It Means To Me

I always tell people that I eat clean... in fact I will tell people I challenge them to find someone who eaters cleaner than I do! But what exactly does eating clean really mean?

The meaning depends on each individual and it's open to so many interpretations. Some people would think if they avoid sugar, that's clean eating. Another person might think that if they buy only organically grown food that it could be considered clean. And someone else might buy "cage free" eggs or grass fed beef (don't even get me started on these foods!).

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