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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

Your Story! Your Voice! Your Health!

A New Tradition At Thanksgiving

I found out that the Waterbury YMCA is open on Thanksgiving, so I decided I'm going to get my workout in before eating a big meal! Do you know the average Thanksgiving dinner is 3,200 calories? Not that I care so much about the calories, but exercise is important.

I do take a couple days off from the gym every week, but since I usually work out on Thursdays, why not work out since they're open.

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It all starts with a thought

Hello my name is Ryan Mazurkivich and I just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself to the group. I am a Consulting Hypnotist and I will be blogging here about the mental and emotional aspects of food, our choices and relationships with food, setting achievable goals and having the right mindset for success.

So it all starts with a "thought"... Have you ever wondered why some people succeed and others fail? Ask anyone who has achieved a great success in their life and you'll hear from their conversation that they think differently than others that struggle. Their mental approach is basically that there is no failure only feedback.

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Winner Winner Chicken Dinner? I won "Most Weight Lost" in the YMCA's Challenge!

The final results are in and I'm the biggest loser of the bunch for the Northwestern YMCA's Fall Corporate Wellness Challenge... First time in my life being a loser helped me to win something!

I won the challenge by losing just shy of 30lbs in 8 weeks. The week following the end of the challenge I broke the 30lb mark and I am still losing. Currently I have 50 more pounds to lose to reach my goal.  Seeing my goal is set for the end of march I am on schedule to reach that goal in the time allotted.

Crazy Chicken
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Another Reminder of When I Was Obese...

It's fun to look back on how far I came. Here's another picture I found, along with a recent picture. I have no idea what my weight was on the left, but I'm sure I was over 300 there!

If I can lose the weight, anyone can. It took me a while to figure out the best approach to lose the weight, but the most practical way is exercise and eating right! I never lost weight until I started to eat better!

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Replacing Your Artificial Sweeteners

I wrote about the dangers of aspartame a few months ago. I wanted to follow up on helpful ways to switch from aspartame to stevia, an all natural sweetener with zero calories that comes from the stevia plant.

First, give up the soda! It's not good for you at all. Diet soda contains aspartame and other chemicals that you should avoid in your diet. It is also considered a diarrhetic, which means it will dehydrate you. A good alternative for this is unsweetened iced tea. Add in your own stevia packets and avoid the Sweet N Low (saccharine), Equal (aspartame) and Splenda (sucralose). Unsweetened iced tea has a lot of antioxidants in it and soda has nothing good to offer.

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