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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

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Day 4 in the bag: Lose 40 pounds in 10 weeks

Day 4 of the 8 day jumpstart period completed!

Everything is moving along nicely and I am following the jumpstart period without deviation.  The scale did not move too much but that is to be expected as there are always shifts in weight from day to day.  Normally I would only weigh in weekly, however I thought it would be interesting to follow the chart on a daily basis.  Shifts in weight can happen for numerous reasons like water retention, that pound of hamburg I ate the day before and it has not passed yet, really anything... but within the upcoming days we should see more significant weight-loss as my body adjusts accordingly!

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Day 3: 40 pound personal weight loss challenge update

Things are moving along! Day 3 of the 8 day jumpstart period completed!

What better way to prove my progress than to take photos of the scale!  It is easy to log and post my weights... but how would you know truth from fiction? I missed photos of the first two days but from here on out I will have photos of the scale every day.  Let's hope it keeps going down! With the type of scale I have I cannot cheat it... it has balance indicators that will not log your weight if it detects that the person is shifting their weight on the scale and little arrows show up on the display to let you know you are cheating!  I love it. 

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Day 2: 40 Pounds in 10 Weeks | Personal Weight-Loss Challenge

Launching ahead full steam yet gravity is trying to hold me down!

I've had quite a day today!  I've had a large corporation tell me that I am unrealistic or unlikely to lose 40 pounds in 10 weeks.  Can you imagine that?  I tired to pay them to promote my story... and I was told "Your Post wasn't boosted because it violates Fxxxxxxk's ad guidelines by making claims that are unrealistic or unlikely. The post remains published, but it is not running as an ad."  I am amazed that a complete stranger (ad reviewer) would try to discourage someone from sharing their story!  I'm not even selling anything!! I've contacted the company and I am awaiting a response.  

I've lost 30 pounds in 8 weeks during last fall's Northwest YMCA Weight-Loss Challenge. I was monitored during weekly weigh-ins for 8 weeks straight and I did not even exercise during that challenge.  I did walk "so many" steps per week but always fell well below the 10,000 steps/day they were looking for.  During this new personal challenge I will be exercising and quite sure I will be able to lose 40 pounds in 10 weeks. I am a bit pissed that I cannot even pay money out of my own pocket to try to boost my story to get more followers!

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Back on the Wagon: Lose 40 pounds in 10 Weeks

I'm back on the wagon!  What better way to illustrate my return to the weight-loss wagon than having an image of a wagon full of puppies!  I need all the cuteness possible to counterbalance the ugly task I have ahead of me!

I'm starting my own personal weight-loss challenge!

My goal is to lose 40 pounds over the next 10 weeks, averaging 4 pounds per week, to reach my weight-loss goal by June 11th. 


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Strength Training Update: Getting More Intense!

Wow, what a workout today! My trainer mixed up the workout again as he don't like me staying on the same workout too long. He didn't check my body fat percentage this time around but will do so again in two weeks. My weight was exactly the same as two weeks ago, so I don't need to adjust what I'm eating. He advised me to continue eating lots of protein and clean eating.

I've been doing circuit training for a while and now he wants me to focus on doing each set three times in a row with a 20 second rest in-between. This changes the intensity of the workout and doesn't give the muscles a chance to rest much after each set. The good thing is the workouts won't take as long. But I will have to go to the gym nearly every day in order to complete each routine.

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