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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

Your Story! Your Voice! Your Health!

Share with others your exercise routines, body building, body shaping and strength training progress.  


Abdominoplasty... A Tough Decision For Sure

As many people who have been following my journey know, I have a lot of loose skin around my abdominal section. I try to ignore it and go about my business each day but it does bother me.

I work so hard to achieve a healthy looking body, trying hard to become a bodybuilder but the sagging skin serves as a constant reminder of my obese days.

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I'm Doing a 10K Race!

I never knew I loved running until after I lost the weight. In fact, I didn't know I was good at any sports. Now, I enjoy the strength training and cardio daily.

I kind of put running on hold for a while as I didn't want to lose too much weight and concentrate on building muscle. I still did some cardio, but wasn't doing any running until a few months ago, when I started running on the treadmill and running in the streets of New York.

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When Weight Lifting, Always Use Good Form

I should listen to my own advice. As someone who got my certificate in personal training, I should know better. But the other day, I had a reminder of how important proper form is... I got back pain. Thankfully, it has since healed but it served as a good learning experience, but a painful one too.

I was actually doing upward rows, not the deadlift that so many people seem to injure their backs with. I was trying to hurry and I also was going a bit too heavy. Instead of slowing down and taking some weight off, I pushed myself and because it was too heavy, threw off my form. The result? I felt my muscle in my back pull. I knew it wasn't good but I felt alright the rest of the day. It wasn't until the next day that I noticed the pain.

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Going Raw and Continuing My Muscle Building

There is no shortage of protein when eating completely raw. I find that aside from the energy I have, I'm able to workout just as hard as I have been, maybe even a little better!

The protein myths are still out there. Somebody asked me today about the protein, especially after being raw. Come on, where do you think animals get their protein from? Yes, when someone is plant based, they have to constantly defend or educate others on healthy eating.

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Do You Have A Desk Job? You Need An Apple Watch!

When I first lost the weight over 5 years ago, I relied on a pedometer to make sure I would get over 10,000 steps a day. It worked and kept me motivated, but it was easy to lose and the battery would go rather quickly.

I eventually upgraded to a FitBit Charge and that was a big upgrade from the pocket pedometer. I actually had three FitBits over the last couple years. It was cool as it would vibrate on my wrist whenever I reached my goal of 10,000 steps. The only thing I didn't use the FitBit for was to track the sleep, which didn't interested me.

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