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Shred It Challenge... Week 6 Update 10 Pounds of Muscle!

Well maybe not 10 pounds, but I definitely have been gaining some weight. Checking the body fat analyzer, my body fat is around 14 (which means around 12 or so), so this would mean I gained muscle. I am over 200 pounds for the first time in over a year.

I never thought I'd be happy to gain weight but this weight is necessary to build muscle. As long as I didn't gain fat, I'm happy! I am focusing on muscle growth and lifting 5 days a week. It can be a grueling schedule but I think the hard work will pay off.

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It Might Be Illegal To Raise A Vegan Child In Italy

Yes, you read that correctly... The legislation, as proposed by Forza Italia member Elvira Savino, would see sentences of up to four years for parents of children whose diets are vegan.

This should be troubling to anyone, not just vegans. It's one thing if someone is malnourished, but for government to interfere with a diet that millions and millions of people are following s just wrong. It would be as ridiculous as someone outlawing the Paleo diet, or gluten free diets, or whatever.

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Going Green Again!

I wore a vegan shirt at the gym the other day. I'm not completely vegan yet but wanted to let others know that I'm doing a weeklong vegan challenge starting on Sunday. I want to challenge the notion that a lot of body builders have, that you have to eat animal products to get muscle.

I was recently reminded from Facebook that the last time I did a vegan challenge was two years ago. I thought it was time to do another challenge. So why a vegan challenge again? I don't think consuming too many animal products is good for you. I want to prove that eating a plant-based diet can build muscle.

Vegan Shirt
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