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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

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How Important is the Number on the Scale?

I remember when I first started losing weight a little over three and a half years ago. I would feel somewhat embarrassed with all the attention and would sometimes understate how much weight I lost. But, eventually I had to admit my weight loss to others. I was always afraid of people's shock when they would hear the number... 140 pounds, Oh My God! Of course, now it's been over 150 pounds lost, but anyway... 

Personally, I have no desire to get to a certain number. I'm very happy with my weight... in fact, if it goes down a little on the scale, I get nervous as I don't want my weight to go lower. I judge by how I look... despite the sagging skin on my abs, I know that I don't need to worry about my weight. I'm proud of the weight I lost and have no interest in losing anymore. I know I have an athletic body fat percentage and that my waist circumference is considered healthy. For me, it's all about being healthy. But there are other people I've talked to that obsess about getting to a certain number on the scale.

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There really are no excuses. Senior citizens can bench more than I can :(

I struggle with getting myself into shape.  For quite sometime I have been "A SHAPE", primarily round. I lack the discipline to eat well and exercise. Excuses come easy, negative thinking drags me down and finances always seem to paint a picture of the easier "more affordable" options to eating being made up of .88 cent boxes of Ronzoni shells in butter versus eating whole foods.  Well take a look at these guys...

Simply put.  If these guys can do it at their ages.  Then I (we) have NO EXCUSES to get going. Here is a library I am forming of some really old people who are in much better shape than I am, and I'm half their age!

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Strength Training Update: Losing Weight, Gaining Muscle!

...At least I hope I'm gaining muscle! I've been hitting the weights 5 times a week. I've been doing stretching, crunches, planks, chest presses, lunges and so much more! I know I eat enough protein and calories and I definitely feel stronger. My trainer won't check my body fat percentage for a while but I know it's getting there!

So far no one has said they've noticed I've lost weight, which is a good thing! I've been trusting my trainer when he said to not worry about my weight. It might drop but as long as I'm eating the right foods and enough protein, it should level off. I weighed myself today and the scale read 201.8 pounds. This marks the first time, probably in my whole adult life, that I'm not in the overweight range on the weight chart. It was not my goal to lose weight, but I'm fine with it as I am now officially in the "normal body weight" area of the weight chart. According to the BMI chart (which I don't usually pay much attention to), my weight should be less than 202 pounds.

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Remember To Stay Safe When Shoveling

I know a lot of people are beginning to shovel the huge mounds of snow, especially in eastern Connecticut. I thought I'd remind everyone to stay safe this winter and make sure you use common sense when shoveling.

Remember to take short breaks, don't do too much at once and don't lift too heavy, especially if you are not used to lifting. Remember that snow can get very heavy! Make sure to lift with your legs, not your back.

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It's Too Easy To Gain Weight Over The Holidays!

I know many people give up eating healthy over the holidays. There is so much temptation with all the Christmas cookies, egg nog, etc. Plus, all the Christmas parties. I had four of them last week!

So how do you avoid weight gain over the holidays? For me, it's the goal I have of tightening my abs. I know my diet has to be clean in order to achieve this goal. I don't want to let a few days of eating bad set me back for months.

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