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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

Your Story! Your Voice! Your Health!

The Complete Superfood List

I got tired of writing separate articles for each superfood individually. I thought I would recap and give you the rest of my list.

Here are the 10 foods you should add to your checklist to eat:

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10,000 Steps a Day for a Year!

This is a special blog entry. One year ago, I started my first Wellness Challenge at the local YMCA. Part of the requirements for the challenge were to walk 70,000 steps each week. Thus began the journey of all the stepping... and walking away all those extra pounds!

The pedometer you see pictured here is actually the second one since the challenge. The first pedometer broke a few months ago. I purchased the same kind and I highly recommend this pedometer. It's by Sportline and sells for about $20. You just can't kill it, as it's been dropped, stomped on, etc. I'm amazed how it keeps going!

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Week 2 Weight Loss Update: Everything is good

Everything is still moving along well. I have yet to strictly follow my plan, yet I am still losing weight. I am down an additional 1.5lbs. 

As you can see the site has been going through a lot of changes. I will post a more thorough update of what is yet to come tomorrow.

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The Superfood To Eat: Watercress

Watercress is a low-calorie green leafy vegetables and has only about 10 calories per 100 g raw leaves. It is rich in anti-oxidants and is low-fat. I first learned of this vegetable from Dr. Fuhrman.
Watercress has more vitamin C than many other fruits and vegetables. 100 g of leaves provide 47 mg or 72 percent of RDA of vitamin C. This food will help fight free radicals and can prevent cancer.
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The Superfood To Eat: Tomatoes

I eat tomatoes every single day. I've always loved tomatoes, since I was a kid. Back then, I didn't eat them because they were healthy, I just ate them because they tasted good.

The red color in tomatoes is from lycopene. This bright red carotene and carotenoid pigment and phytochemical found in tomatoes can help protect against cancer. It also protects the body against damage from free radicals. Lycopene is also found to suppress the growth of human cancer cells.

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