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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

Your Story! Your Voice! Your Health!

Richard Hubbard was once over 350 pounds. After a doctor's physical and finding out he was pre-hypertensive, he decided to make changes and avoid medication. Over the course of a year, Rich lost the first 120 pounds of his incredible 150 pound weight loss. He ate healthy foods based on Dr. Joel Fuhrman's book "Eat To Live". He was mostly plant...

Richard Hubbard was once over 350 pounds. After a doctor's physical and finding out he was pre-hypertensive, he decided to make changes and avoid medication. Over the course of a year, Rich lost the first 120 pounds of his incredible 150 pound weight loss. He ate healthy foods based on Dr. Joel Fuhrman's book "Eat To Live". He was mostly plant based, but switched to completely plant based in September of 2016. He also became a vegan in the process as his compassion for animals increased. He credits bodybuilder Robert Cheeke for influencing his decision of going vegan. Rich aspires to be a vegan bodybuilder and is planning his first half marathon this year.


No Wonder We're the Fattest Nation!

How about a Krispy Kreme Sloppy Joe? Or maybe you'd like a Dunkin Donuts Bacon Doughnut Sandwich? And this really is over the top... how about a hands-free Whopper?

A hands free Whopper for those of you who are too lazy to pick up your burger and eat it. And Burger King also makes a bacon sundae, something that Homer Simpson would love to devour.

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Another Weight Loss Success Story Without Surgery!

I read this in the news the other day. Stories like this make me proud... it's nice to see people losing weight with just diet and exercise. Papa Joe Aviance proves you can lose weight without spending too much money on groceries. He also shed the weight without resorting to surgery. 

Papa Joe Aviance basically did what I did... threw out the candy, gave up the soda and ate better food. He also started a walking routine. You might remember that I lost weight with walking myself. I still to this day walk 10,000 steps every day. This story proves that walking is a great form of exercise.

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Strength Training Update

My body fat percentage has been fluctuating for a while now. A few months ago, it was 18.6, now it's about 20. According to experts, my body fat percentage should be below 18.

The strength training is working slowly, although the results are not as fast as they were with weight loss. I still like cardio more than the weights. I now have a personal trainer to go over the basics with the strength training. Hopefully I will learn enough as I only signed up for a few sessions.

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How Fat Was I?

I still find it hard to believe that people think of me as "slim". I know I'm not fat anymore but somehow, hearing names like "Hey Slim", or "wow, you're skinny", I think to myself, they can't be talking about me!

It's hard to get used to it. Most people were kind over the years and never really came right out and said I was fat back when I was obese. There were different things I would hear like "you're a big guy, you're gonna need a car with more room" (car salesman) or "Are you sure you're not diabetic?" (eye doctor).

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How To Maintain Your Weight

Someone recently asked me about how I stuck to eating so healthy and maintain my weight. She was saying that she has trouble staying with healthy foods. After a while the food gets boring to her. This was someone who did a wellness challenge... as you know I participated in two challenges last year. One thing I learned from the challenge is it's a lifestyle change, not a temporary diet. The only way to lose weight and keep it off is to incorporate the habits from the challenge into your daily routine, even after the challenge ends.

So many people will go back to the foods that got them overweight in the first place. I think one reason that it's hard for some people to keep a healthy diet is that they didn't find food that they liked enough to stick with. If you don't like the food you're eating, eventually you will give up and go back to your old style of eating. It's important to incorporate a large variety of healthy foods and be creative. If you hear of a food that has a lot of health benefits, try it and see if you like it.

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