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Strength Training Update: All About The Muscle!

I had an awesome appointment with my trainer today. He took the measurements with the calipers and my body fat is nearing 10 percent. It's getting close to the point where it's tough to measure the body fat. After 10 percent, it's tough to get an accurate reading. My thighs and chest now measure at 8 percent but the abs are still holding at 16.

That's actually good that the abs are not at 10 yet, it means they are still tightening. I do see a difference in the abs. They feel tighter and my love handles are barely noticeable. I'm actually very happy with the way the abs are progressing. From the feedback I hear, the bulge in the abdominal area is not noticeable through clothing, which is awesome!

My arms have gotten so much stronger. I'm able to do pushups properly now... for so long my arms were not strong enough to do them right. I'd still like to build my triceps more as my biceps seem to be much easier to develop, I'm not sure why.

My legs, which have always been my strong point, have so much muscle. They feel a lot tighter and I do notice the muscle gain as I walk.

I have a new series of exercises to do with the TRX bands. All of the exercises have movements that will continue to strengthen the core. I did my first workout today and it's tough! But it will build muscle if I keep at it!

Here are some pictures of what I hope will look like progress. I hope the abs will continue to tighten, which is why I'm sharing the photos every few weeks. Hopefully the progress will be visible.


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