By Rich H. on Friday, May 09, 2014
Category: Exercise

Strength Training Update: Getting Lean!

I met with my personal trainer today. He measured the body fat and I am now in the teens. That's great as he wants it to be around 13 or so. My legs and chest are getting muscular but my abs still have excess skin. I think the abs have tightened some, but it still has a way to go.

My belly was stretched so far when I was obese, it's going to take some time to get it back to normal. I know that the majority of the fat went to my belly so it will be the hardest area to tighten. I'm proudest of my legs as I've done so much walking, they have very little fat on them and are muscular.

I have a new set of exercises to do. My trainer likes to mix it up every couple weeks so that my body doesn't get used to the same workout over and over. This time, it's more of a circuit workout with some cardio included.

I'm doing jumping jacks, chest press, rows (arm workout), lunges, pull-ups, pushups, squats and planks. It's intense but it will get my legs, arms  and chest to athletic levels. We'll see if the abs tighten further.

Even if the abs don't tighten all the way, it's not that bad. As long as I have a shirt on, no one can tell I still have a belly. I still think it will tighten with time. However, I'll take a little hanging skin any day over the fat! I feel so much better and stronger with a lot more energy!

I'll update the progress as I'm working hard. Maybe I'll post some pictures soon. I'd like to be like my friend Jackie, who posted pictures a few weeks ago. Her arms are impressive and she is getting good results from the workouts. My muscles are showing more but I'm not ready for pictures just yet!

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