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Healthy Living in Connecticut Blog

Your Story! Your Voice! Your Health!

Tell your weight-loss story here!  Share your daily successes and failures to help educate and inspire others as they take on losing weight and living a healthier lifestyle! Discover and explore what people are doing today to lose weight. 


My first day of physical activity... holy crap... I am out of shape.

Just a short update...

Tonight I had a support meeting for the YMCA's corporate weight-loss challenge. It was not your typical support meeting. There was physical activity through an intuitive scavenger hunt that had two teams pinned against each other testing our limits. All I can say is that today was my first day of physical activity since I changed my diet.  I have no endurance at all! 

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Off to a great start, the weight loss challenge is underway!

I was talking with Rich Hubbard a couple of weeks back about my weight loss progress. To say the least things were going pretty slow. I was eating better but I lost the vigor from my previous motivations (the really embarrassing ones... My motivation to lose weight & My 2nd motivation to lose weight: A trip in Boston)

Rich recommended that I try the weight-loss challenge that kept him motivated and involved.  I figured it was worth the shot. Plus it would get me out of the house and bring me face to face with other people that have similar goals.

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Why Put Off Losing Weight?

I know a lot of you like to lose weight in the early spring in preparation for the beach in summer. Ideally you should want to lose weight in order to live a healthier life, but so many set goals to lose weight in order to look better. You may have unrealistic goals on how fast you can lose the weight and you might be putting a lot of extra stress on yourself.

Wellness challenges traditionally run in the fall and spring at many local YMCAs. Some participants think why lose weight now when Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming up, the typical holidays that always brings lots of food. But losing weight now is better than waiting for the spring. This way, when Thanksgiving comes around, you'll be more prepared to eat healthier and because you're living a healthier lifestyle, you'll be less likely to overeat. And when you do cheat, it will be easier to keep your weight in check.

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Too Much Sugar!

I've learned a lot the past couple years on the correct way to lose weight, mostly from trial and error. I was like many others out there, and struggled to try and lose weight but not succeed.

Finally I realized... you have to eat properly too, not just exercise. Before I lost the weight, I would exercise two to three times a week but did nothing to change my diet. When I think about how bad my diet was back then, I wonder how I could eat all that I did. I mean a good majority of the food I ate had a ton of sugar in them. I'm talking about candy bars, ice cream, frozen dinners, cookies, the list goes on and on!

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No Need For Medication!

I had such an awesome doctor's appointment today. For those of you who might not know, I was pre-hypertensive less than two years ago. My doctor wanted to put me on blood pressure medication. I told him I would rather lose the weight first than go on medication.

I had wanted to see if it were possible to lower my blood pressure through diet and exercise. If I was on medication while I was losing the weight, it would be difficult to tell if it were lower because of the medication or the weight loss. This way, with no medication, I now know that blood pressure can go back to normal with proper diet, exercise and weight loss!

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