By Rich H. on Wednesday, December 04, 2013
Category: Weight Loss

The Results of the Challenge Are In!

The results are in for the United Healthcare Walk-A-Thon!

My workplace did not win, as I already knew. But I'm pleased that I had the second highest steps at my job. I reached my goal and then some, by walking 836,560 steps over the course of 8 weeks. I did the same as last year, with over a million steps in 10 weeks.

Okay, so are you ready for an approximate total of how much I've walked since April of last year? I just figured it's now around 6,229,000 steps. I have walked at least 10,000 steps (with many days between 12,000 - 15,000 steps) every day except for one day last March when I was sick.

I walked approximately 2,949 miles since April of 2012. That's the distance from here to Los Angeles, CA! The numbers seem so incredible to me when I think about it.

I remember thinking, who can possibly walk 10,000 steps in a day? Now, I think of 10,000 as something that's so easy to do. For those that would like to get their steps in, remember to start small. You're not going to be able to walk 10,000 steps at first as it takes time to get into shape. But if you keep practicing, and wear a pedometer, you'll get there!

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