By Rich H. on Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Category: Healthy Eating & Nutrition

My Second Cruelty Free Thanksgiving

Lasy year during Thanksgiving, I was only a few months into being plant based. I was worried about what foods to eat for Thanksgiving and wondered if family would not care for the way I ate or if they would have any objections.

This year, not only am I plant based, but I'm also vegan. Yes, it's still about eating healthy foods, but now it's about not harming animals. There are over 46,000,000 turkeys slaughtered in this country on Thanksgiving alone. I couldn't imagine eating turkey or any kind of meat, just for the sake of a holiday.

Besides, I don't miss meat at all! Even if I did, there are so many plant based meats out there. Virtually any grocery store has vegan burgers or vegan strips in the frozen section.

But because I want to eat as healthy as possible, I avoid the processed vegan meats and just eat the fresh produce. Besides, many of my favorite Thanksgiving foods are already plant based. Pumpkin pie, my all time favorite food to eat on the holiday, can easily be made with egg substitutes. Sweet potatoes, squash, turnips, etc. are all fully in compliance with my diet and are foods I loved before going plant based.

One thing that hasn't changed with the cruelty free Thanksgiving? I still overindulge on the holiday. It's tough to eat just one piece of pie! This is why I also workout the next day... to burn off all those excess calories!

Hope all the readers of the blog have a healthy and Happy Thanksgiving holiday!

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