By Rich H. on Friday, June 11, 2021
Category: Weight Loss

The Plant-Based Athlete: A Game-Changing Approach to Peak Performance

I have been following Robert Cheeke's career for almost 5 years now. His book “Shred It!” helped me become completely vegan, after having been previously plant based for four years prior. So, any new books that he puts out, I definitely want to support him. But his latest book “The Plant-Based Athlete: A Game-Changing Approach to Peak Performance”, which is co-authored by Matt Frazier, is sure to interest people well beyond just the vegan community. The book is destined to become huge, much like the “Game Changers” movie.

There are so many inspirational stories in the book, from the well known athletes like Rich Roll and Rip Esselstyn to lesser known athletes that are equally awesome.One of those athletes featured is my friend Josh LaJaunie, who became an ultra-marathon runner after losing over 200 pounds. He is one of many stories you find of athletes achieving unbelievable success, all without animal products. If you ever need proof that we don”t need meat for survival, look no further than this book!

I learned so much from Robert over the years and look forward to learning from the other athletes in the book as well. I plan to one day do a full marathon myself. I have many goals, so who knows, maybe I’ll be featured in Robert’s next book.The power of plants... I now have energy to run long distances without feeling like I could pass out with just one lap around the gym. I know so many other plant based athletes too and am friends with many of them. We all keep proving to the world that the slaughtering of millions of animals every day is not only bad for the environment and cruel to the animals but is also completely unnecessary for people to not only survive but to thrive.

Thank you to Robert Cheeke and Matt Frazier for sharing the message with the world! I have no doubt it will make the New York Times Best Seller list and it’s well deserved!

Watch our YouTube channel for 10 workout tips for vegans, as I interviewed Robert Cheeke last month. The first video goes live today, the day the book is released. Go to our Facebook page or YouTube channel to enter a giveaway to win an autographed copy of the book or some vegan foods. Thanks to Robert for supplying the giveaways.

Check out the links below. Remember, to be eligible for the giveaways, you must like our Facebook page, subscribe to our YouTube channel and share the video!

Here is Tip #1!

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