By Rich H. on Saturday, March 07, 2020
Category: Weight Loss

Fairfield Half Marathon, Here I Go Again!

I decided to sign up for the Fairfield Half Marathon on June 7. I did this race last year and thought it was a lot of fun. It was tough with some of the hills but I enjoyed starting and ending by the beach.

I know what I need to work on for the next time around. I need to practice my incline running. I need to figure out how to adjust the speed so I'm not so winded by the end. But those things will improve as I get to practicing again.

I haven't been doing much training for the half marathon, but I will begin soon. My knee is definitely ready and feels great.

I am also planning to do a full marathon by the fall. I'm thinking the Hartford Marathon might be a good one to start with. One of my ultimate goals though is to do the New York Marathon next year. To me, that would be the coolest experience. There's a lottery system but I plan to apply for their 9+1 program and get a guaranteed spot in the race.

A full marathon is something I've always wanted to achieve. Don't get me wrong, being in a half marathon is awesome, but to say I completed a full marathon, it is a dream of mine.

I also continue with my body building goals. I have been working out 5 days a week building muscle. It's a grueling schedule but worth it. I might cut down on the amount of days at the gym if I'll be running outside more. This is why I'm glad the spring weather will be upon us soon.

I plan to wear my vegan gear at all the races. I love promoting the fact that I'm a vegan runner. What a rush I get when running by people screaming "go vegan!" It should be a lot of fun again this year.

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