By Rich H. on Friday, May 31, 2013
Category: Exercise

Strength Training Update

My body fat percentage has been fluctuating for a while now. A few months ago, it was 18.6, now it's about 20. According to experts, my body fat percentage should be below 18.

The strength training is working slowly, although the results are not as fast as they were with weight loss. I still like cardio more than the weights. I now have a personal trainer to go over the basics with the strength training. Hopefully I will learn enough as I only signed up for a few sessions.

I'm trying to build strength in my arms and yet I still have trouble doing push ups. I've never been able to do them properly. You know you're in great shape when you can do push ups or chin ups.

My belly is still there, loose skin and all, and I'm not sure if it's tightening yet. So many people tell me that it will tighten. I suppose it will eventually. It's been stretched for so many years while I was obese, I'm sure it takes a long time for the skin to fall back into place. I think I'll have awesome abs by the time the skin tightens with the sit ups and exercise I've been doing.

If anyone lost a lot of weight and had success in tightening their abs, I'd love to hear about it! I'm not stressing too much about it as I'm so glad to have dropped the weight! I do feel a lot better and have a ton more energy.

I mentioned Governor Christie's lap band surgery a while back and how I don't agree with surgery to lose the weight. The reason I bring this up is that today I read in a magazine that Governor Christie says it will take him 12-16 months to lose 100 pounds after the surgery. Can you imagine? I lost the weight strictly through diet and exercise in the same time span but with no surgery. I'm proud of that!

Anyway, back to the strength training. I'm sure I'll get tight abs and toned arms eventually. It takes a lot of patience and sticking with exercise. Eventually I will post pictures when I feel the strength training is showing results.

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