By Rich H. on Saturday, April 16, 2016
Category: Exercise

Still Building Muscle, Abs Somewhat Better!

I met with my personal trainer on Monday. He measured my body fat with the 3 site skin fold caliper test. This was the best reading yet, close to 11 percent! My weight has been holding steady for a few months now, which is what I want. I weigh on average between 191 to 195 pounds... just trying to build muscle!

My trainer gave me a new workout that focuses on building bigger muscles for my legs, exercises that should target the lower abs and other exercises that will continue to build muscle for my arms, chest and back. The areas that have the most fat on my body are my abdominal area (obviously) and my back. My chest, arms and legs have the least amount of fat.

When measuring the fat on my legs, my trainer told me that my legs need more muscle. I workout all muscle groups but maybe I focus too much on my arms and chest and not enough on the legs.

My abs now have more muscle definition, despite some loose skin in the lower abdominal area. That is the reason for the exercises that focus on the lower abs. I have to do a lot of leg raises, planks and side planks; hopefully this will improve the abs as I get closer to my goal.

My abs aren't perfect, but I thought I would post this picture to show the progress. I would never do a tummy tuck, as I explained in a previous post. I really don't think the skin looks that bad and it can only improve! It's what keeps me motivated to make the gym 5 days a week!

I couldn't imagine doing such an invasive surgery. Besides, no one can see my loose skin under the clothing, so unless I'm hanging out at the beach every day, I don't think I have to worry about it.

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