By Rich H. on Saturday, October 19, 2013
Category: Weight Loss

Look At This! A Reminder Of Just How Fat I Was!

Wow. That's all I have to say. Look at this before picture! I can't believe I was this heavy less than two years ago.

When I look at this picture, it makes me wonder what's going through my mind. This was taken in a restaurant, although I can't make out which one. I can only imagine the kind of food I ordered then.

It's amazing how different my eating is now compared to when this picture was taken. By looking at it, you can tell that I was eating tons of ice cream and candy. I know I wasn't able to get 10,000 steps a day back then! I was lucky if my knees supported me then. It's nice not to have the knee pain anymore!

Well, this is just another reminder that it's possible to lose when you're extremely obese. As I said before, if I can do it, anyone can! It just takes time and patience... along with healthy eating and exercise.

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