By Ryan The Hypnotist on Monday, November 25, 2013
Category: Weight Loss

It all starts with a thought

Hello my name is Ryan Mazurkivich and I just wanted to take a minute to introduce myself to the group. I am a Consulting Hypnotist and I will be blogging here about the mental and emotional aspects of food, our choices and relationships with food, setting achievable goals and having the right mindset for success.

So it all starts with a "thought"... Have you ever wondered why some people succeed and others fail? Ask anyone who has achieved a great success in their life and you'll hear from their conversation that they think differently than others that struggle. Their mental approach is basically that there is no failure only feedback.

We all have good thoughts (eating healthy, exercising... reading this blog!) and we all have bad thoughts (eating to fill an emotional void, putting off exercise for another day, using food as a reward). The people who succeed are the ones who are able to disassociate the bad thoughts from their mind and focus only on the good thoughts.

Fundamentally, we project what we perceive. So if we wake up and roll out of bed with the mentality of: "Wow, today is just going to be awful" then since you "believe" that "thought" chances are you will end up having an "awful" day. That is an example of a negative thought or negative suggestion. If your mind chooses to accept that negative suggestion then your mind will begin to align yourself throughout the day with things that could be awful to you. This works because your mind thinks "Today we have a goal to meet, and its called awful" and it begins to look for things throughout the day to reach that goal of being "awful".

Contrary someone who is always positive, their minds are constantly looking for proof and validation that they are doing good and achieving their success. Someone who has a goal of having a healthy snack in the afternoon as opposed to hitting the vending machine will feel successful and empowered every time they choose that healthy snack. Typically each time they choose the healthier choice the strength of this success and empowerment will compound this will become an unconscious program of success in their mind. Once this mind believes in this success this success will indeed become their reality.

So since our thoughts can affect our success or lack thereof in some cases... Wouldn't it be wise of us if we could change our negative thoughts to positive ones?

Last night I went to Mohegan Sun to see a great band Sister Hazel and I will leave you with some lyrics.

"If you're tired of fighting battles with yourself... If you want to be somebody else... Change Your Mind"

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