By Rich H. on Saturday, June 02, 2018
Category: Weight Loss

I'm Doing a 10K Race!

I never knew I loved running until after I lost the weight. In fact, I didn't know I was good at any sports. Now, I enjoy the strength training and cardio daily.

I kind of put running on hold for a while as I didn't want to lose too much weight and concentrate on building muscle. I still did some cardio, but wasn't doing any running until a few months ago, when I started running on the treadmill and running in the streets of New York.

I realized how running is fun and I missed it. I have been hearing talk about the Litchfield Hills Road Race on June 10th and it made me think why not? I know I'm not going to be first but it's just the thrill of running and being with my peers.

I've also been a part of the Missing Chins Running Group on Facebook. This is a private group for male runners who lost or are trying to lose a lot of weight. Hearing their stories made me want to get into it again.

My focus is still on the strength training but my focus will be on this race for the next week. It's 7.1 miles, including a killer street at the end with a huge incline. I hear it's brutal. I checked it out today and it's steep!

I did some running for 20 minutes the other day at the gym and ran outside today for 3 miles or so. I plan to build up to this 7 mile race, all while keeping the same level of strength training.

I'll keep you posted how it goes!

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