By Rich H. on Thursday, February 06, 2014
Category: Exercise

I Did So Much Shoveling Yesterday. When Is Spring Arriving?

I'm so tired of winter, especially the snow storms we've been getting lately. But one thing is for sure, you can get a good workout in just cleaning up the snow!

I was stupid… I thought I would be able to make the YMCA yesterday to work out. I received an email from the YMCA saying they would remain closed for the rest of the day. At first I thought, why can't they be open? Then I looked outside. OK, I'm going to be shoveling the rest of the day, who needs to workout after all the shoveling!

According to the online food journal I use, I burn about 600 calories an hour shoveling snow. That's more than I've been burning using the treadmill lately! I had to shovel my porch, driveway, by the dumpsters, the list goes on and on! I'm more tired doing this than I am with the treadmill.

The weights have been helping. Lifting the snow is a lot easier when you have more strength in your arms! Also, my knees have been so much better since losing weight, so lifting the shovel properly is so much easier.

I still would rather workout at the gym any day over having to deal with snow. I don't care how many calories you burn in the winter, I would rather see spring like weather!

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