By Rich H. on Friday, November 14, 2014
Category: Health & Fitness

Pre Hypertensive? Think About Whether You Really Need Medication

I went to see my doctor today for a scheduled appointment. He likes for me to check in every 6 months or so. The nurse went through the usual checklist of conditions, all of which I answered with "no" (diabetes, aches, pains, etc.). She checked my weight and it's in the same range.

The best part of the appointment was when the nurse took my blood pressure. About two and a half years ago, I was prehypertensive, on the verge of going on medication. As you might recall, I told my doctor I wanted to hold off on medication to see if losing weight would bring my blood pressure back to normal.

My blood pressure has been normal for a while now. I usually get readings like 120/80 or sometimes lower. Today, it was 120/70… even during a doctor appointment. This is significant because my blood pressure typically goes up when I see a doctor. High blood pressure is not an issue since I lost the weight.

If you are prehypertensive, consider making changes in your life before taking meds. Far too often, people go on medication without first making healthy changes to improve their health.

The prehypertension forced me to make some changes to get healthier. In order to lower my blood pressure, I learned to study labels, check for sodium content, etc. Eventually, I eliminated processed foods with ingredients longer than five or six items. When I think of how much my diet has changed since a couple years back, it amazes me. But the benefits of eating healthy make it all worth it! And to prove that I don't need medication to successfully lower blood pressure is awesome!

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